
英语听力2024-04-18 16:14:53小编



How to pronounce: /lǐan shēng píng xī/

Usage: 这个短语通常用来形容人们在紧张、恐惧或惊讶的情况下保持安静的状态。它也可以表示在某个场合下,人们为了尊重他人或避免打扰而保持安静。

Example sentences:

1. 在面对老师严厉的批评时,学生们都敛声屏息,不敢发出任何声音。

When facing the teacher's harsh criticism, the students all kept silent and didn't dare to make any sound.

2. 当突然闯入房间时,嫌疑犯立刻敛声屏息,希望能够逃过一劫。

When the police suddenly burst into the room, the suspect immediately fell silent, hoping to escape unscathed.

3. 在电影院里,观众都会敛声屏息地看着银幕上精彩的镜头。

In the cinema, the audience would watch the exciting scenes on the screen in breathless silence.

4. 在仪式上,人们会敛声屏息地听从牧师的讲道。

During religious ceremonies, people would listen to the priest's sermon in reverent silence.

5. 面对自然灾害,人们都会敛声屏息,祈求平安。

Faced with natural disasters, people would fall silent and pray for safety.

Synonyms and usage:

1. 屏气凝神 (píng qì níng shén): to hold one's breath and concentrate

Example: 在比赛最后关键时刻,球迷都屏气凝神地观看着比赛。

2. 闭口不言 (bì kǒu bù yán): to keep one's mouth shut

Example: 老师提出问题时,学生们都闭口不言,不敢回答。

3. 鸦雀无声 (yā què wú shēng): as quiet as a mouse

Example: 当老板进来时,办公室里鸦雀无声,大家都在专心工作。

4. 静若处子 (jìng ruò chǔ zǐ): as quiet as a virgin

Example: 在图书馆里,大家都静若处子,为了不打扰他人阅读。

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