敝帚千金(bì zhǒu qiān jīn)是一个成语,意为用不值钱的东西换取宝贵的东西。敝帚指的是破旧不堪的扫帚,千金则表示珍贵的财物。这个成语形象地比喻用一件毫无价值的东西来换取珍贵的物品或者信息。
敝帚千金:bì zhǒu qiān jīn [bi4 zhou3 qian1 jin1]
1. 这些老照片虽然看起来很普通,但对于我来说却是敝帚千金。
These old photos may seem ordinary, but they are priceless to me.
2. 他愿意用自己珍藏多年的邮票与你交换,可见他把这些邮票视为敝帚千金。
He is willing to exchange his long-cherished stamps with you, which shows how much he values them.
3. 对于我们来说,这些古董家具虽然看起来很廉价,但它们却是敝帚千金,具有无法估量的价值。
For us, these antique furniture may seem cheap, but they are actually priceless and have immeasurable value.
4. 有些人认为这些古老的传统习俗已经过时,但对于我们来说,它们仍然是敝帚千金,值得珍藏和传承。
Some people may think that these old traditional customs are outdated, but for us, they are still precious and worth preserving and inheriting.
5. 我不会轻易泄露我的秘密,因为对我来说,这些秘密就像是敝帚千金一样珍贵。
I won't easily reveal my secrets because to me, they are as valuable as a treasure.
1. 他用自己最喜欢的书籍与朋友交换了一本他特别想要的书,可见他把这本书视为敝帚千金。
He exchanged his favorite book with a friend for a book he really wanted, showing how much he values it.
2. 这位画家愿意用自己最心爱的画作与收藏家交换,可见他把这幅画视为敝帚千金。
This painter is willing to exchange his most beloved painting with a collector, showing how much he values it.
3. 她不惜用自己最珍贵的首饰来换取一张演唱会门票,可见她把这场演唱会视为敝帚千金。
She didn't hesitate to exchange her most precious jewelry for a concert ticket, showing how much she values the concert.
4. 他用自己最喜欢的球队球衣与朋友交换了一件签名明星球衣,可见他把这件签名球衣视为敝帚千金。
He exchanged his favorite team's jersey with a friend for a signed celebrity jersey, showing how much he values it.
5. 这位作家愿意用自己最心爱的手稿与出版商交换,可见他把这部作品视为敝帚千金。
This writer is willing to exchange his most beloved manuscript with a publisher, showing how much he values it.
1. 敝帚换珠:指用不值钱的东西来换取珍贵的物品或信息,意思与敝帚千金相同。
2. 换汤不换药:比喻改变形式,但本质并未改变。
3. 投鼠忌器:比喻因小失大,因怕坏事而放弃好事。
4. 以卵击石:比喻力量悬殊,做无谓的努力。
5. 舍近求远:指舍弃近在手边的好处而追求遥远的利益。