文武之道(wén wǔ zhī dào)是指文学和武术两种不同的修养方法,也可以指文学和武术的结合。它强调了学习与实践的平衡,既要注重层面的修养,又要注重身体层面的锻炼。在传统文化中,文武之道被视为一种综合性的修养方式,能够帮助人们达到身心和谐、全面发展的目标。
文武之道:wén wǔ zhī dào [wən wuː ʈʂɚ tiː daʊ]
1. 他是一位真正懂得文武之道的大师,既精通诗词文章,又能够驾驭各种武器。
He is a true master who understands the way of both literature and martial arts, proficient in poetry and prose, and able to wield various weapons.
2. 古代士大夫都要求掌握文武之道,以便能够在和上都有所作为。
In ancient times, the literati and officials were required to master the way of both literature and martial arts in order to make achievements in politics and military affairs.
3. 在这个时代,文武之道已经不再是互相排斥的两个领域,而是可以相互融合的修养方式。
In this era, the way of both literature and martial arts is no longer two separate fields that exclude each other, but a way of cultivation that can be integrated.
4. 他的作品充满了文武之道的,既有诗情画意,又有武术功夫。
His works are full of the spirit of the way of both literature and martial arts, with poetic sentiment and martial arts skills.
5. 这部电影讲述了一位练就了文武之道的,他用自己的才华和勇气保护家乡。
This movie tells the story of a hero who has mastered the way of both literature and martial arts, using his talents and courage to protect his hometown.
1. 文武双全:指一个人既具备文学才华又具备武术技能。
2. 文武兼修:强调一个人在修养方面要同时注重文学和武术。
3. 文以载道、武以行仁:指通过学习文学和武术来实现道德修养。