料:liào 事:shì 如:rú 神:shén
1. 我们公司的总经理真是料事如神,每次做决策都能够把握住市场趋势。
Our company's general manager is really like a god in predicting things, he can always grasp the market trend when making decisions.
2. 这位领导能够料事如神,他提前预见到了市场变化,并做出了正确的调整。
This leader has the ability to predict things like a god, he foresaw the market changes in advance and made the right adjustments.
3. 在这个竞争激烈的行业,只有料事如神的人才能够生存下来。
In this highly competitive industry, only those who can predict things like a god can survive.
4. 我很佩服他的料事如神,每次都能够准确地预测到客户的需求。
I admire his ability to predict things like a god, he can always accurately predict the needs of customers.
5. 作为一名投资者,我们需要具备料事如神的能力,才能够在股市中获得成功。
As an investor, we need to have the ability to predict things like a god in order to succeed in the stock market.
1. 神机妙算:形容人具有超乎常人的智慧和谋略。
2. 超凡脱俗:形容人具有非凡的品质和能力。
3. 慧眼识珠:比喻人具有敏锐的洞察力,能够看清事物本质。
4. 眼观六路耳听八方:形容人具有广阔的视野和敏锐的观察力。
5. 知情达理:形容人对事物了解透彻,做事明智。