
英语听力2024-04-18 18:54:11小编



Direction (n.) is the route or guidance towards a specific goal or location. In daily life, direction can refer to the path that guides us forward or the target that directs our actions. In geography, direction is often used to describe the relative position of a location on Earth in relation to other locations.


Direction (n.) [dəˈrɛkʃən]


1. 方向常用来描述运动或行为的目标。

2. 在地理学中,方向通常用来描述地球上某个位置相对于其他位置的方位关系。

3. 在日常生活中,我们也可以使用方向来指示或寻找特定的地点。

4. 方向也可以指导我们做出决策或选择。


1. Can you give me directions to the nearest gas station? 你能告诉我去最近的加油站的路吗?

2. The compass always points north, no matter which direction you are facing. 不管你面对哪个方向,罗盘总是指向北方。

3. The map shows the direction of the river flowing towards the ocean. 地图上显示了河流向大海流动的方向。

4. She followed her heart and chose a direction that felt right to her. 她跟随内心选择了一条自己觉得对的方向。

5. The teacher provided clear directions for the students to follow. 老师给学生提供了明确的指导。


1. Course (n.) - a direction or route taken in order to reach a destination

2. Orientation (n.) - the act of determining one's position or direction relative to another location

3. Bearing (n.) - the direction or angle between two points

4. Path (n.) - a route or way that leads towards a specific destination

5. Heading (n.) - the direction in which something is moving or facing


