
英语听力2024-04-18 20:44:33小编



无网络是指不受地理位置、物理设备或网络拓扑结构限制的通信网络。它通过使用虚拟化技术,将多个物理网络连接起来,形成一个统一的逻辑网络,从而实现跨越地域和设备的无缝通信。无网络也被称为软件定义网络(Software-Defined Network,SDN),它能够提供灵活、可扩展和安全的通信服务。

Unbounded Network is a communication network that is not limited by geographical location, physical devices, or network ology. It uses virtualization technology to connect multiple physical networks and form a unified logical network, enabling seamless communication across regions and devices. Unbounded Network is also known as Software-Defined Network (SDN), which can provide flexible, scalable, and secure communication services.


无网络 [wú biān jiè wǎng luò]



Unbounded Network is mainly used to solve the limitations of traditional physical networks, such as difficult management, scalability, and poor security. It can be applied in various scenarios, such as enterprise communication, data center interconnection, and cloud computing. By using virtualization technology and a centralized control platform, users can flexibly manage and configure the entire network.


1. 无网络可以让企业内部各个分支之间实现无缝通信。

Unbounded Network enables seamless communication among different branches of an enterprise.

2. 虚拟化技术使得无网络可以快速扩展,满足不断增长的通信需求。

Virtualization technology allows Unbounded Network to rapidly expand and meet the growing communication demands.

3. 通过使用无网络,数据中心可以实现高效的互联,提高数据传输速度和可靠性。

By using Unbounded Network, data centers can achieve efficient interconnection, improving data transfer speed and reliability.

4. 无网络的集中式可以帮助管理员轻松地管理整个网络,减少运维成本。

The centralized control platform of Unbounded Network can help administrators easily manage the entire network, reducing operation and maintenance costs.

5. 在云计算环境下,无网络可以为用户提供灵活、安全的连接服务。

In a cloud computing environment, Unbounded Network can provide users with flexible and secure connectivity services.


1. 软件定义网络(Software-Defined Network,SDN):与无网络是同义词,也指使用虚拟化技术和集中式来实现网络的灵活管理和配置。

2. 虚拟专用网络(Virtual Private Network,):与无网络类似,都是通过虚拟化技术来连接不同物理网络,但通常用于远程访问和跨地域通信。

3. 虚拟局域网(Virtual Local Area Network,VLAN):也是一种虚拟化技术,可以将多个局域网连接起来形成一个逻辑网络。

4. 云网络(Cloud Network):指基于云计算构建的网络架构,可以为用户提供弹性、可靠的通信服务。


