
英语听力2024-04-18 20:50:50小编



How to pronounce: /ɪnˈfɪnət ˈspeɪs/


1. 无限空间是宇宙最基本的特性之一。

Infinite space is one of the fundamental properties of the universe.

2. 在数学中,无限空间是指没有或限制的数学对象。

In mathematics, infinite space refers to a mathematical object with no boundaries or limitations.

3. 信仰中,无限空间可以被视为神圣和永恒的存在。

In religious beliefs, infinite space can be seen as a divine and eternal presence.

4. 人类对于无限空间的探索和理解始终是一个持续不断的过程。

The exploration and understanding of infinite space by humans has always been an ongoing process.

5. 在哲学中,无限空间被认为是一种存在形式,并且超越了我们有限的人类理解能力。

In philosophy, infinite space is considered as a form of existence that transcends our limited human understanding.

Synonyms and usage:

1. 无 (unbounded): 指没有明确或范围的状态。

Unbounded: referring to a state with no clear boundaries or limits.

2. 无穷 (infinite): 指没有尽头或极端大的数量。

Infinite: referring to something with no end or extremely large quantity.

3. 无限 (limitless): 指没有限制或限制的状态。

Limitless: referring to a state with no restrictions or limitations.

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