一:旷世逸才是指在某一领域具有非凡才华和卓越能力的人,通常用于形容那些在艺术、科学、文学等领域取得巨大成就的人。英文翻译为“a genius of the age”。
二:怎么读(音标):kuàng shì yì cái (khuang shir ee tsai)
1. 他被誉为旷世逸才,因为他在音乐创作方面有着非凡的天赋。(He is hailed as a genius of the age for his extraordinary talent in music composition.)
2. 这部电影是由一群旷世逸才共同创作的,因此获得了众多奖项。(This film was co-created by a group of geniuses of the age, thus winning numerous awards.)
3. 她是当今时代最具影响力的旷世逸才之一,在文学界享有盛誉。(She is one of the most influential geniuses of the age and enjoys great reputation in the literary world today.)
4. 这次展览汇集了许多旷世逸才的作品,让人们大开眼界。(This exhibition brings together works from many geniuses of the age, which is eye-opening for people.)
5. 他的发明被誉为旷世逸才,因为它对人类社会产生了深远的影响。(His invention is hailed as a genius of the age, as it has had a profound impact on human society.)