
英语听力2024-04-19 01:05:14小编



How to pronounce: zhì zhě qiān lǜ, bì yǒu yī shī (pinyin: zhi4 zhe3 qian1 lv4, bi4 you3 yi1 shi1)

Usage: 这句话通常用来形容一个人在做出决策时需要谨慎思考,以免因一时冲动而导致不良后果。

Example sentences:

1. 智者千虑,必有一失。即使是最聪明的人也难免会犯错。

The wise may have a thousand plans, but they are bound to make mistakes. Even the smartest person is not immune to making mistakes.

2. 他们在制定计划时,忘记了这句话——智者千虑,必有一失。

They forgot this saying when making their plans - the wise may have a thousand plans, but they are bound to make mistakes.

3. 我们需要谨慎考虑每一个决定,因为智者千虑,必有一失。

We need to carefully consider every decision, for the wise may have a thousand plans, but they are bound to make mistakes.

4. 即使是最聪明的人也无法避免智者千虑,必有一失的情况。

Even the smartest person cannot avoid situations where the wise may have a thousand plans, but they are bound to make mistakes.

5. 智者千虑,必有一失,但我们可以从错误中吸取教训。

The wise may have a thousand plans, but they are bound to make mistakes. However, we can learn from our mistakes.

Synonyms and usage:

1. 智者千虑,必有所失 (zhì zhě qiān lǜ, bì yǒu suǒ shī): 与“智者千虑,必有一失”意思相同,强调即使是最明智的人也难免会犯错。

2. 谨慎行事 (jǐn shèn xíng shì): 强调做事要谨慎小心,以免出现意外或错误。

3. 小心翼翼 (xiǎo xīn yì yì): 指做事要小心谨慎,避免出现差错。

4. 谨慎思考 (jǐn shèn sī kǎo): 指在做出决策时要深思熟虑,避免因一时冲动而导致错误。

5. 谨慎考虑 (jǐn shèn kǎo lǜ): 强调在做出决策时要仔细权衡利弊,以免后悔。

Editor's summary: 这句话提醒我们即使是最明智的人也无法避免犯错,需要谨慎行事。它也强调了做事要有计划和深思熟虑的重要性。同时,它也提醒我们要从错误中吸取教训,不断进步。
