
英语听力2024-04-19 01:39:10小编




A person who has an exhibitionistic disorder, which refers to the strong desire and impulse to expose one's body, especially their genitalia or other obscene body parts, in public or private places to fulfill their sexual fantasies and stimulate their senses. This behavior is often considered abnormal and unethical, and can cause discomfort and fear in others.

二:怎么读(音标): [ˌek.sɪ.bɪˈʃən.ɪst ˈdɪs.ɔː.dər]


Usage: The word is commonly used to describe people with exhibitionistic tendencies and can also be used as a noun.


1. He was arrested for being an exhibitionist and exposing himself in the park. 他因为在公园裸露身体被捕。

2. The woman felt uncomfortable when she encountered an exhibitionist on the subway. 当女性在地铁上遇到一个裸露狂时,她感到不舒服。

3. The exhibitionistic behavior of some people can be a result of deep-seated psychological issues. 一些人的暴露行为可能是由于深层次的心理问题导致的。

4. The police are warning the public to be cautious of any exhibitionists in the area. 提醒公众要小心该地区的任何暴露狂。

5. He was diagnosed with an exhibitionistic disorder and is receiving treatment from a therapist. 他被诊断出患有暴露狂障碍,并正在接受治疗师的治疗。


1. Flasher: A person who exposes their body in public to shock or surprise others.

2. Indecent exposure: The act of exposing one's body, especially genitalia, in public places.

3. Voyeurism: A disorder where a person gets sexual pleasure from watching others undress or engage in sexual activities without their knowledge.

4. Obscene behavior: Any behavior that is offensive or indecent, especially sexual in nature.

5. Peeping Tom: A person who secretly watches others, especially for sexual gratification.


暴露狂是一种心理障碍,指某些人有强烈的欲望和冲动,喜欢在公共场合或者私人场所裸露自己的身体,特别是暴露自己的性器官或者其他猥亵部位。这种行为常常被视为不正常和不道德,也可能导致他人感到不适和恐惧。同义词包括flasher、indecent exposure、voyeurism等。使用时要注意避免冒犯他人,并尊重他人的隐私权。
