英文释义:The phrase "月缺花残" refers to the phenomenon where the moon gradually becomes smaller and flowers wither away. It is often used to describe the disappearance of something beautiful, or as a metaphor for the impermanence and changes in life.
二:读音(音标):yuè quē huā cán (yue4 que1 hua1 can2)
1. 月缺花残,又是一年春尽秋来。(The moon wanes and flowers wither away, another year has passed from spring to autumn.)
2. 随着时间的流逝,我们心中珍藏的记忆也慢慢地在月缺花残中消失。(As time goes by, the memories we hold dear in our hearts slowly disappear with the waning of the moon and the withering of flowers.)
3. 她的美丽如同月缺花残,美好的时光总是短暂的。(Her beauty is like the waning of the moon and the withering of flowers, always fleeting.)
4. 这首歌诉说着一个故事,关于爱情的月缺花残。(This song tells a story about the waning of love, like the moon and flowers.)
5. 在这个喧嚣的都市中,很多人都感受到了自己生活中的月缺花残。(In this bustling city, many people feel the waning of their own lives, like the moon and flowers.)