
英语听力2024-04-19 02:49:06小编



Interesting refers to something that arouses interest or curiosity, and can make people feel happy or satisfied.


英 [ˈɪntrəstɪŋ]

Usage 用法


The term "interesting" is usually used to describe people or things, indicating that they have caught the attention and interest of the observer. It can be used to describe something as interesting or attractive, as well as to express someone's intelligence, humor, or charm. In addition, "interesting" can also be used to express appreciation or praise for something.


1. 这本书很有意思,我一口气就读完了。

This book is very interesting, I finished reading it in one breath.

2. 我最喜欢和他聊天,他总是能讲出很多有意思的故事。

I love talking to him the most, he always tells a lot of interesting stories.

3. 她是一个非常有意思的人,总是能让我开心。

She is a very interesting person, she always makes me happy.

4. 这部电影真有意思,我建议你也去看看。

This movie is really interesting, I suggest you go and see it too.

5. 我们的老师总是能用有意思的方式教我们学习知识。

Our teacher always teaches us knowledge in an interesting way.


1. 有趣(interesting):指引起兴趣或好奇心的事物,与“有意思”含义相近,但更强调对某事物产生兴趣的程度。

2. 有吸引力(attractive):指具有吸引力或魅力的事物,通常用来形容外表或外观。

3. 有趣味(amusing):指令人发笑或感到愉快的事物,通常用来形容幽默或滑稽的事情。

4. 富有魅力(charming):指具有吸引力或迷人的品质,通常用来形容某人具有吸引力或魅力。

5. 令人惊奇(surprising):指超出预期或出乎意料的事物,通常用来形容令人惊讶、震惊或感到新奇的事情。

Synonyms and Usage

1. Interesting: refers to something that arouses interest or curiosity, similar to "有意思", but emphasizes the degree of interest in something.

2. Attractive: refers to something that is attractive or charming, usually used to describe appearance or appearance.

3. Amusing: refers to something that makes people laugh or feel happy, usually used to describe humor or funny things.

4. Charming: refers to someone who has attractive or charming qualities, usually used to describe someone who is attractive or charming.

5. Surprising: refers to something that exceeds expectations or is unexpected, usually used to describe things that surprise, shock or feel novel.


