
英语听力2024-04-19 02:57:09小编



How to pronounce: yǒu yǎn bù shí tài shān

Usage: 这句成语通常用来形容那些自视甚高,却缺乏谦虚和认知能力的人。

Example 1: 她总是自以为是,看不起别人,真是有眼不识泰山。

She always thinks highly of herself and looks down upon others, she really has no idea what is truly valuable.

Example 2: 这位年轻的CEO拥有惊人的商业头脑和领导能力,但他却对自己的才华毫无意识,可见他还是有眼不识泰山。

This young CEO has an amazing business mind and leadership skills, but he is completely unaware of his talents, it shows that he still has no idea of his true value.

Example 3: 小明一直被父母溺爱,从小就被灌输着自己很了不起。现在他已经成年了,却自己在社会上并不那么出色,这让他意识到自己原来一直都是有眼不识泰山。

Xiao Ming has been spoiled by his parents since he was a child, and was always told that he is amazing. Now he has grown up, but he finds himself not so outstanding in society, which makes him realize that he has been blind to his true potential.

Example 4: 这位年轻的艺术家拥有惊人的创作天赋,但他却总是自我贬低,认为自己的作品不够出色。他真是有眼不识泰山啊!

This young artist has an amazing talent for creation, but he always belittles himself and thinks that his works are not good enough. He really doesn't know his own worth!

Example 5: 这个公司总经理对自己的能力和贡献非常自信,但却忽略了团队中其他人的努力和贡献。他明显有眼不识泰山,没有意识到团队合作的重要性。

The general manager of this company is very confident in his own abilities and contributions, but he ignores the efforts and contributions of others in the team. He obviously doesn't know the true value of teamwork.

Synonyms and usage: 类似的成语还有“井底之蛙”、“坐井观天”等,都用来形容那些缺乏广阔视野和认知能力的人。可以用来修饰一个人或者一群人。

Editor's summary: 有眼不识泰山这个成语告诫人们不要自负和狂妄,要保持谦虚和学习的心态,才能认识到自己的真正价值。同时也提醒人们要多向外界学习和接触,拓展自己的视野,避免成为一个“井底之蛙”。
