
英语听力2024-04-19 03:13:07小编



What does "服式" mean?

The term "服式" refers to conforming to a certain rule, standard, or custom, and complying with a specific format or pattern. It is often used to describe behaviors, manners, or appearances that meet certain requirements. For example, being well-dressed or speaking appropriately can be referred to as "服式".


"服式"的拼音为"fú shì",音标为/fuː ʃiː/。


The pinyin of "服式" is "fú shì", and the pronunciation is /fuː ʃiː/.




"服式" is usually used as an adjective to describe behaviors, manners, or appearances that meet certain requirements. It can also be used as a noun to refer to a way or pattern that conforms to norms.


1. 她总是穿着得体,言谈举止也很有礼貌,真是一位很有"服式"的女孩。

She always dresses appropriately and speaks politely, she is truly a girl with good "服式".

2. 这家餐厅要求顾客穿着正式,符合"服式"才能进入就餐。

This restaurant requires customers to dress formally and meet the "服式" before entering for dining.

3. 他的工作作风很严谨,每次提交的文件都非常规范,符合公司的"服式"要求。

His work style is very rigorous, and every document he submits is very standardized, meeting the company's "服式" requirements.

4. 在这个,人们对待长辈时必须要有礼貌,这是一种被称为"尊老爱幼"的传统"服式"。

In this country, people must be polite when treating their elders, which is a traditional "服式" called "respecting the old and loving the young".

5. 作为一名官,他必须具备良好的外语能力和优雅的仪态,这是符合界的基本"服式"。

As a diplomat, he must have good language skills and elegant manners, which are in line with the basic "服式" of the diplomatic community.


1. 规范 (guīfàn):指符合标准或规定,按照一定模式进行。与“服式”意思相近。

2. 符合 (fúhé):指符合要求,符合标准。可以用来代替“服式”。

3. 得体 (détǐ):指得当、得宜,符合礼仪规范。与“服式”意思相近。

4. 规矩 (guījǔ):指符合社会习俗或道德标准的行为方式。与“服式”意思相近。

5. 礼貌 (lǐmào):指按照社会礼仪要求的行为表现。可以用来形容符合“服式”的行为。

Synonyms and Usage

1. 规范 (guīfàn): refers to conforming to standards or regulations, and following a certain pattern. It has a similar meaning to "服式".

2. 符合 (fúhé): refers to meeting requirements or standards. It can be used instead of "服式".

3. 得体 (détǐ): refers to being appropriate and in accordance with etiquette norms. It has a similar meaning to "服式".

4. 规矩 (guījǔ): refers to behaving in accordance with social customs or moral standards. It has a similar meaning to "服式".

5. 礼貌 (lǐmào): refers to behavior that follows social etiquette requirements. It can be used to describe behaviors that conform to "服式".


