
英语听力2024-04-19 03:49:08小编




The meaning of "木魚" refers to a type of percussion instrument used in Buddhist rituals and practices. It is typically made from a semi-circular piece of wood with a small hole on each end and a groove in the middle. In Buddhist temples, monks use the wooden fish to keep rhythm while chanting scriptures or reciting mantras. It is also known as "wooden fish gong" because it produces a similar sound to a gong when struck.


木魚 (mù yú) [moo-yoo]



As a musical instrument, the wooden fish is primarily used in Buddhist ceremonies and practices. It can also be used for folk music performances or as a decorative item. Outside of Buddhist temples, you may also see people hanging it on their doors or placing it in their homes as a symbol of blessings and protection.


1. 寺庙里的僧侣们手持木魚,念诵经文。

The monks in the Buddhist temple hold wooden fish while chanting scriptures.

2. 在仪式中,木魚的响声会帮助人们集中注意力。

In Buddhist rituals, the sound of the wooden fish helps people to focus.

3. 这个小孩子喜欢用木魚来打节奏,仿佛自己也是一个小僧侣。

The child enjoys using the wooden fish to keep rhythm, as if they were a little monk themselves.

4. 我从寺庙买了一把精美的木魚作为礼物送给我的朋友。

I bought a beautiful wooden fish from the temple as a gift for my friend.

5. 这件艺术品是由一块稀有的紫檀木制成的,它被雕刻成一个精致的木魚形状。

This piece of art is made from rare rosewood and carved into an intricate shape of a wooden fish.


1. 木鱼锣 (mù yú luó) [moo-yoo loh] - 这是对木魚的另一种称呼,因为它在敲击时发出类似锣声的响声。

2. 木鱼槌 (mù yú chuí) [moo-yoo chway] - 指用于敲击木魚的棒子,也可以用于打击其他乐器。

3. 木板 (mù bǎn) [moo-ban] - 这是一种类似于木魚的乐器,但没有凹槽和孔,通常用于民间音乐演奏。

4. 鱼形铃 (yú xíng líng) [yoo-shing ling] - 这是一种类似于木魚的铃铛形状的乐器,通常用于仪式中。

5. 祷告珠 (dǎo gào zhū) [daow-gow joo] - 这是一串佛珠中最后一个珠子,通常由僧侣使用来打拍子。


