未完待续(wèi wán dài xù)的意思是指某件事情还没有结束,需要继续进行下去。通常用来表示故事、或者计划还没有完成,需要后续的延续。
读音:wèi wán dài xù [wéi wán dài xù]
1. 这部电影太精彩了,我已经迫不及待想知道结局了,希望会有未完待续的第二部。
This movie is so exciting, I can't wait to know the ending, hope there will be a sequel.
2. 我们的旅程还未完待续,接下来我们将前往更多美丽的地方。
Our journey is not over yet, we will go to more beautiful places next.
3. 这个故事有点悬疑,看到最后才原来是未完待续的结局。
This story is a bit suspenseful, and I didn't realize it was an open ending until the end.
4. 计划虽然暂时搁置了,但是我们仍然相信这个项目会有未完待续的成功。
Although the plan is temporarily suspended, we still believe that this project will have a successful continuation.
5. 这本小说每一章都以未完待续的方式结束,让读者充满了期待。
Each chapter of this novel ends with an open ending, leaving readers with anticipation.
同义词及用法:未完待续的意思也可以用“故事未完”、“故事还在继续”、“未结束”等表达。在英文中,可以用“to be continued”、“unfinished”来表示。