
英语听力2024-04-19 04:38:13小编




"如麻" is an idiom that means the number of people killed is so large that it is shocking or frightening. This idiom is often used to describe a place where a large number of murders have occurred or when a person has committed multiple murders.


"如麻"的拼音为shā rén rú má,读音为/shā rén rú má/。

The pinyin for "如麻" is shā rén rú má, with a pronunciation of /shā rén rú má/.



"如麻" is a fixed phrase and is usually used as an adverb to describe a place where a large number of murders have occurred or when a person has committed multiple murders. It can be used alone or in combination with other words.


1. 这个城市最近发生了一系列的谋杀案,如麻,让人感到恐惧。(This city has recently experienced a series of murders, and the number of killings is shocking and frightening.)

2. 那个杀手的手法非常冷酷无情,他的罪行堪比如麻。(The killer's methods are extremely cold-blooded, and his crimes are comparable to mass murder.)

3. 在这个小镇上,有一个传说中的凶手,据说他每次作案都会如麻。(In this small town, there is a legendary killer who is said to commit mass murder every time he strikes.)

4. 这部电影讲述了一个如麻的连环杀手被追捕的故事。(This film tells the story of a serial killer who commits mass murder and is pursued by the police.)

5. 在这个,动荡导致了如麻的局面,许多无辜的人都成为了受害者。(In this country, political turmoil has led to mass murder, and many innocent people have become victims.)


1. 杀戮横行(shā lù héng xíng):指大量和谋杀。

2. 屠城(tú chéng):指大规模杀戮和毁灭。

3. 大开杀戒(dà kāi shā jiè):指大量杀戮,常用来形容战争或者。

4. 如麻的(shā rén rú má de):形容某个地方或者某个人发生了大量的谋杀。

5. 大(dà tú shā):指大规模的和杀戮。

1. Massacre (shā lù héng xíng): refers to a large number of killings and murders.

2. Slaughter (tú chéng): refers to mass killings and destruction.

3. Bloodbath (dà kāi shā jiè): refers to a large number of killings, often used to describe war or violent events.

4. Infamous for mass murder (shā rén rú má de): describes a place or person that has experienced a large number of murders.

5. Genocide (dà tú shā): refers to mass killings and massacres on a large scale.


