
英语听力2024-04-19 06:35:13小编




A board refers to a flat wooden or plastic material, usually used for construction, furniture, and shipbuilding. It can be used as flooring, wall panels, ceiling panels and other components, and can also be processed into various shapes and sizes of furniture.


板 [bǎn]


1. 作为建筑材料,板可以用来搭建房屋的结构和装饰内部空间。

2. 作为家具材料,板可以被加工成各种形状和尺寸的桌子、椅子、柜子等。

3. 板也可以被涂上油漆或者贴上壁纸来增加装饰效果。

4. 在船舶领域,板通常用于制造船体结构和内部隔间。

5. 在运动领域,滑雪板、冲浪板等都是利用木质或者塑料材料制作而成。

1. As a building material, boards can be used to construct the structure of houses and decorate interior spaces.

2. As a furniture material, boards can be processed into various shapes and sizes of tables, chairs, cabinets and so on.

3. Boards can also be painted or wallpapered to enhance decorative effects.

4. In the field of shipbuilding, boards are usually used to manufacture ship structures and internal partitions.

5. In the sports field, skis, surfboards, etc. are all made of wood or plastic materials.


1. The carpenter used a saw to cut the board into smaller pieces for the bookshelf. (木匠用锯子将板子切成小块来制作书架。)

2. The new house has beautiful wooden boards as flooring. (新房子的地板铺着漂亮的木板。)

3. She painted the old dresser with white paint to cover up the scratches on its surface. (她用白色油漆刷了旧梳妆台,以掩盖表面的划痕。)

4. The shipyard workers were busy installing new boards on the hull of the ship. (船厂工人们忙着在船体上安装新的板材。)

5. He bought a brand new surfboard for his upcoming trip to Hawaii. (他为即将到来的夏威夷之行买了一块全新的冲浪板。)


1. 木板(lumber):也指木质材料,但通常指较大尺寸的木材,用于建筑和家具制作。

2. 胶合板(plywood):由多层薄木板通过胶水粘合制成的板材,常用于建筑和家具制作。

3. 纤维板(fiberboard):由压缩纤维材料制成的板材,常用于家具制作和室内装饰。

4. 塑料板(plastic board):由塑料材料制成的板材,常用于室内装饰和玩具制作。

1. Lumber: also refers to wooden materials, but usually refers to larger pieces of wood used for construction and furniture making.

2. Plywood: a type of board made by bonding multiple layers of thin wood with glue, commonly used in construction and furniture making.

3. Fiberboard: a type of board made from compressed fiber materials, commonly used in furniture making and interior decoration.

4. Plastic board: a type of board made from plastic materials, commonly used in interior decoration and toy making.


