
英语听力2024-04-19 08:01:09小编



How to pronounce: [yòu zi]


1. 柚子可以直接食用,也可以制作成果汁、沙拉或其他菜肴。

Pomelos can be eaten directly or used to make juice, salads, or other dishes.

2. 柚子也常用来制作蜜饯或果酱。

Pomelos are also commonly used to make candied fruit or jam.

3. 柚子的皮可以用来制作茶,具有清热解毒的功效。

The peel of pomelos can be used to make tea, which has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying.

4. 在文化中,柚子象征着吉祥和长寿。

In Chinese culture, pomelos symbolize good luck and longevity.

5. 柚子也被用来作为药材,在传统中医中具有一定的药用价值。

Pomelos are also used as medicinal herbs with certain medicinal value in traditional Chinese medicine.

Synonyms and usage:

1. 葡萄柚 (pú táo yòu): grapefruit

2. 柚 (yòu): pomelo

3. 柚子茶 (yòu zi chá): pomelo tea

4. 柚子蜜饯 (yòu zi mì jiàn): candied pomelos

5. 柚子果酱 (yòu zi guǒ jiàng): pomelo jam

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