
英语听力2024-04-19 09:08:23小编



How to pronounce: shù dà gēn shēn [shoo dah guhn shen]

Usage: 通常用来形容一个人或者团体的实力强大,具有坚实的基础和长久的发展潜力。

Example Sentences:

1. 这家公司已经发展了十年,树大根深,即使遇到困难也能够坚持下去。

This company has been in business for ten years, with a strong foundation and the ability to persevere through challenges.

2. 他来自一个有着几百年历史的世家,可以说是树大根深。

He comes from a family with a history of several hundred years, which can be described as having deep roots and strong foundations.

3. 这个经历了无数次战争和灾难,但是它的文化却依然保留着树大根深的特点。

This country has gone through countless wars and disasters, but its culture still retains the characteristics of deep roots and strong foundations.

4. 在商场上生存竞争,必须要有一颗“树大根深”的心态。

In order to survive in the competitive market, one must have a mentality of "deep roots and strong foundations".

5. 这个团队有着多年的合作经验,他们之间的默契可以说是树大根深。

This team has years of experience working together, and their understanding and cooperation can be described as having deep roots and strong foundations.

Synonyms: 根深蒂固 (gēn shēn dì gù), 根基牢固 (gēn jī láo gù)

Synonym Usage: 以上两个同义词也可以用来形容某个人或者事物的基础坚实,具有持久的生命力。但是与“树大根深”不同的是,它们更多地强调稳定和牢固性。

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