
英语听力2024-04-19 09:50:37小编



怎么读(音标):gēn jù shànghǎi shāng jiǎn jú de jiǎn yàn bào gào, wǒ men tè cǐ xiàng guì fāng tí chū suǒ péi rú xià de (gēn jù shànghǎi shāng jiǎn jú de jiǎn yàn bào gào, wǒ men tè cǐ xiàng guì fāng tí chū suǒ péi rú xià de)



1. 根据上海商检局的检验报告,我们特此向贵方提出索赔如下。

According to the inspection report from Shanghai Inspection Bureau, we hereby request for compensation as follows.

2. 根据上海商检局的检验结果,我们要求供应商退还货款。

Based on the inspection results from Shanghai Inspection Bureau, we demand the supplier to refund the payment.

3. 我们已收到上海商检局发来的最新报告,根据其结果,我们将提出索赔。

We have received the latest report from Shanghai Inspection Bureau, and based on the results, we will file for compensation.

4. 上海商检局的检验报告显示,该产品存在严重的质量问题,我们要求供应商承担相应的赔偿责任。

The inspection report from Shanghai Inspection Bureau shows serious quality issues with the product, and we demand the supplier to take responsibility for compensation.

5. 根据上海商检局的检验报告,我们要求供应商对产品进行重新生产,并承担相关费用。

Based on the inspection report from Shanghai Inspection Bureau, we demand the supplier to re-produce the product and cover related expenses.


