The meaning of "档次" is the level, quality or standard of something. It can be used to describe the position or degree of a person, object or situation. "档次" is often associated with social status, values and aesthetic standards.
dàng cì [dang-ss]
1. 作为名词,可以用来形容一个人或物品的等级、质量或水平。
2. 也可以作为形容词,用来描述某个人或物品的高低等级。
1. 这家餐厅的菜品档次很高,价格也不便宜。
The dishes in this restaurant are of high quality and the prices are not cheap.
2. 她穿着朴素,但气质很高雅,给人一种高档次的感觉。
She dresses simply, but has an elegant temperament that gives people a sense of high class.
3. 这部电影虽然票房不错,但是评论家认为它缺乏高档次的故事情节。
Although this movie has done well at the box office, critics believe that it lacks a high-class storyline.
4. 这个品牌的手表都是限量版,具有非常高的收藏档次。
The watches of this brand are all limited editions, with a very high level of collectibility.
5. 他们的婚礼安排得很有档次,所有细节都非常精致。
Their wedding was planned with great class, and every detail was very delicate.
1. 水平 (shuǐ píng):可以用来形容某人或物品的程度或质量,与"档次"意思相近。
2. 等级 (děng jí):可以用来描述事物所处的位置或高低等级,与"档次"意思相似。
3. 档次高 (dàng cì gāo):可以用来形容某人或物品的等级、水平或质量较高。
4. 高雅 (gāo yǎ):可以用来形容某人或物品具有优雅、精致的品味和风格,与"档次"意思相关。