
英语听力2024-04-19 11:28:10小编


1. 棘是什么意思(中英文)解释的意思


Thorn is a Chinese word that refers to the sharp spines or prickles on the branches or leaves of plants. It can also refer to sharp protrusions of bones or scales on certain animals. In daily life, thorn can also be used as a metaphor for something difficult, obstructive, or painful.

2. 怎么读(音标)


The pinyin of 棘 is ji, with the pronunciation /dʒi/.

3. 用法


As a noun, thorn can refer to the sharp protrusions on plants or animals, and it can also be used as a metaphor for something difficult, obstructive, or painful. As a verb, thorn can mean being pricked or provoked.

4. 例句1-5句且中英对照

1. The rose bush was covered in thorns, making it difficult to pick the flowers. (玫瑰灌木上长满了刺,使得采摘花朵变得困难。)

2. The cactus is covered in sharp thorns to protect itself from predators. (仙人掌上长满了锋利的刺,以保护自己免受捕食者的伤害。)

3. She felt a sharp thorn in her foot as she walked through the grass barefoot. (她赤脚穿过草地时,感觉到脚底被一根尖刺扎到。)

4. The thorn of poverty has been a constant struggle for her family. (贫穷之苦一直是她家庭的不断挣扎。)

5. He couldn't help but feel the thorn of jealousy as he watched his ex-girlfriend with her new boyfriend. (当他看着前女友和新男友在一起时,他忍不住感到嫉妒之苦。)

5. 同义词及用法



1) 刺(ci)指植物或动物身上具有锋利突出的部分,也可以比喻某种困难或痛苦。

2) 针(zhen)一般指金属制成的细长物,也可以用来比喻某种困难或痛苦。

3) 尖刺(jian ci)和棘的意思类似,都指植物或动物身上的锋利突出部分。

4) 荆棘(jing ji)指植物上带有尖刺的枝条,也可以比喻某种困难或痛苦。

Synonyms: thorn, needle, spike, bramble


1) 刺 (ci) refers to sharp protrusions on plants or animals, and can also be used as a metaphor for something difficult or painful.

2) 针 (zhen) usually refers to a thin metal object and can also be used as a metaphor for something difficult or painful.

3) 尖刺 (jian ci) is similar in meaning to 棘, both referring to sharp protrusions on plants or animals.

4) 荆棘 (jing ji) refers specifically to thorny branches on plants and can also be used as a metaphor for something difficult or painful.

6. 编辑总结

