
英语听力2024-04-19 12:25:17小编



槠是一种常见的树木,也被称为槠树,属于槲栎科。它的学名为Quercus variabilis,是一种乔木或灌木,常见于亚洲地区。它的叶子呈卵形,花为黄色或绿色,果实为坚果状。

What does 槠 mean (Chinese and English) explanation:

槠 is a common tree, also known as the Chinese cork oak, belonging to the Fagaceae family. Its scientific name is Quercus variabilis, and it is a deciduous tree or shrub commonly found in Asia. Its leaves are ovate, its flowers are yellow or green, and its fruit is nut-like.



How to pronounce (phonetic):

The pinyin of 槠 is zhū, pronounced as "zhoo".




As a noun, 槠 is usually used to refer to the tree itself. It can also be used as an adjective to describe things related to this tree.


1. 这片森林里有很多槠树。

There are many Chinese cork oaks in this forest.

2. 槠树的叶子在秋天会变成红色。

The leaves of the Chinese cork oak turn red in autumn.

3. 这个地区的气候适合槠树生长。

The climate in this area is suitable for the growth of Chinese cork oaks.

4. 槠木是一种质地坚硬的木材,常用来制作家具。

Chinese cork oak wood is a hard material commonly used for making furniture.

5. 他的房子外面有一棵槠树,给房子增添了自然的美感。

There is a Chinese cork oak tree outside his house, adding a touch of natural beauty to the house.


1. 槠树 (zhūshù):与“槠”意思相同,通常指代这种树木本身。

2. 槲栎 (húlì):也是这种树的学名,与“槠”是同一种树木。

3. 中华橡树 (zhōnghuá xiàngshù):另一种常见的名称,通常用来指代这种树在地区的分布。

Synonyms and usage:

1. 槠树 (zhūshù): has the same meaning as "槠", usually refers to the tree itself.

2. 槲栎 (húlì): also the scientific name of this tree, same as "槠".

3. 中华橡树 (zhōnghuá xiàngshù): another common name, often used to refer to the distribution of this tree in China.


槠是一种常见的树木,也被称为槠树,属于槲栎科。它的学名为Quercus variabilis,是一种乔木或灌木,常见于亚洲地区。它的叶子呈卵形,花为黄色或绿色,果实为坚果状。作为一个名词,“槠”通常用来指代这种树木本身。它也可以作为一个形容词,用来形容与这种树有关的事物。除了“槠”,还有其他几个同义词可以用来指代这种树木。希望本文能够帮助读者更好地了解和使用这个词汇。
