
英语听力2024-04-19 12:53:25小编



英文释义:Being overbearing means someone or a group of people dominating and controlling others in a powerful and arrogant manner, disregarding the feelings and rights of others. In such situations, the overbearing person often uses their power or status to suppress, bully or manipulate others.

二:怎么读(音标):[héng xíng bà dào]



1. 他是公司里最霸道的老板,总是以自己的意志着员工们。

He is the most overbearing boss in the company, always ruling over his employees with his own will.

2. 这个政党已经横行霸道了太久,人民已经受够了他们的专横。

This political party has been overbearing for too long, and the people are tired of their authoritarian rule.

3. 那个孩子的父母总是横行霸道,从来不听他的意见。

The parents of that child are always overbearing, never listening to his opinions.

4. 这家大公司的垄断地位让它可以横行霸道,市场的价格和供应。

The monopoly of this big company allows it to be overbearing and control market prices and supply.

5. 这个曾经被邻国横行霸道,但现在已经恢复了自。

This country was once dominated by its neighboring country, but now it has regained its autonomy.


1. 他以强势和傲慢的方式着整个公司,员工们都不敢。

He dominates the entire company in a powerful and arrogant manner, and employees dare not resist.

2. 她总是用她的权力来压制和欺负那些比她弱小的同事。

She always uses her power to suppress and bully those colleagues who are weaker than her.

3. 这个政党一直以来都在以专横和傲慢的方式着这个。

This political party has been ruling this country in an authoritarian and arrogant manner for a long time.

4. 这个大型企业的老板总是以自己的意志来决定公司的一切事务。

The boss of this large company always decides everything in the company according to his own will.

5. 他们已经被这个邻国横行霸道太久了,终于决定发动一场来它。

They have been dominated by this neighboring country for too long, and finally decided to launch a revolution to overthrow it.



