
英语听力2024-04-19 15:44:37小编


1. 毁家纾难是指为了解决困难而不惜牺牲家庭财产或者破坏家庭和睦的行为。这种行为通常是出于无奈,希望通过牺牲家庭的一部分来解决更大的困难或者危机。,某人因为生意失败欠下巨额债务,不得不卖掉自己的房子和车子来还债,这就可以被称为毁家纾难。

Desperate Measures to Solve Difficulties (English-Chinese) Explanation

1. "毁家纾难" refers to the act of sacrificing family property or disrupting family harmony in order to solve difficulties. This behavior is usually out of desperation, hoping to solve a bigger crisis by sacrificing a part of the family. For example, someone who has accumulated a large amount of debt due to business failure may have to sell their house and car in order to repay the debt, which can be called "毁家纾难."


huǐ jiā xié nàn (hui3 jia1 xie2 nan4)




As a verb phrase, it means sacrificing family property or disrupting family harmony in order to solve difficulties.


1. 他为了还清巨额债务,不得不毁家纾难,卖掉了自己的房子和车子。

He had to resort to desperate measures and sell his house and car in order to repay his enormous debt.

2. 她的丈夫因为欠下巨额债务,最终只能毁家纾难,导致两人离婚。

Her husband's gambling addiction led to enormous debts, forcing them to resort to desperate measures and ultimately leading to their divorce.

3. 在经济危机中,许多家庭不得不毁家纾难,出售贵重物品来维持生计。

During the economic crisis, many families had no choice but to resort to desperate measures and sell valuable items in order to make ends meet.

4. 这部电影讲述了一个男人为了解决生活困境而毁家纾难的故事,令人感动。

The movie tells the story of a man who resorts to desperate measures in order to solve his life difficulties, which is very touching.

5. 毁家纾难并非解决问题的最佳方法,我们应该寻求其他更加合理的解决方案。

Resorting to desperate measures is not the best way to solve problems, we should seek other more reasonable solutions.


1. 破釜沉舟 (pò fǔ chén zhuō):指在绝境中拼死一搏,不留退路。


2. 不惜一切 (bù xī yī qiè):指不计代价,不顾一切。


3. 舍己为人 (shě jǐ wéi rén):指为了帮助别人而牺牲自己的利益。


4. 拼死一搏 (pīn sǐ yī bó):指在绝境中拼命奋斗,不放弃希望。


Synonyms and Usage

1. 破釜沉舟 (pò fǔ chén zhuō): refers to fighting desperately in a desperate situation, with no way out.

Example: In war, soldiers will fight desperately and have no way out to defend their country.

2. 不惜一切 (bù xī yī qiè): refers to not hesitating to do anything, regardless of the cost.

Example: In order to achieve his dreams, he is willing to do anything and put in all his efforts.

3. 舍己为人 (shě jǐ wéi rén): refers to sacrificing one's own interests in order to help others.

Example: He is a good doctor who is willing to sacrifice himself for the sake of others, and is deeply loved by patients in the hospital.

4. 拼死一搏 (pīn sǐ yī bó): refers to fighting desperately and not giving up hope in a desperate situation.

Example: Despite facing a powerful enemy, they still fight desperately and hold on until the very end.


