
英语听力2024-04-19 15:49:26小编




Mother company_Sub company_Branch company_Office meaning (Chinese and English) explanation

The meaning of mother company refers to a company that holds or controls other companies, also known as the parent company. Subsidiary company is a subordinate company controlled by the mother company, also known as the subsidiary. Branch office refers to an enterprise legal person established in China or abroad with independent legal personality and affiliated with the mother company. Office refers to an institution established in China or abroad without independent legal personality, but with independent management and operational functions.


母公司:mʌðər ˈkʌmpəni

子公司:sʌb ˈkʌmpəni

分公司:brɑːntʃ ˈkʌmpəni


How to read (phonetic symbols):

Mother company: mʌðər ˈkʌmpəni

Sub company: sʌb ˈkʌmpəni

Branch company: brɑːntʃ ˈkʌmpəni

Office: ˈɒfɪs




Mother company, sub company, branch company and office are common terms in enterprise organizational structure. Mother company usually refers to the parent company that holds or controls other companies, playing a role in decision-making and management in the enterprise group. Subsidiary companies are subordinate companies controlled by the mother company, which can operate independently or be guided and managed by the mother company. Branch companies are enterprise legal persons established in China or abroad with independent legal personality and affiliated with the mother company, with a certain degree of independence in regional operations. Offices are institutions established in China or abroad without independent legal personality, but with independent management and operational functions, usually responsible for handling daily affairs and business expansion.


1. 母公司决定将子公司的业务拆分出来独立运营。

The mother company decided to spin off the business of the subsidiary for independent operation.

2. 分公司的利润增长了10%,这得益于母公司的资金支持和品牌影响力。

The branch company's profits increased by 10%, thanks to the financial support and brand influence of the mother company.

3. 办事处负责处理客户的投诉和反馈。

The office is responsible for handling customer complaints and feedback.

4. 子公司的业绩不佳,母公司决定进行重组。

The sub company's performance is poor, and the mother company decides to restructure it.

5. 母公司在国外设立了多家分公司,以扩大海外市场份额。

The mother company has set up multiple branch companies overseas to expand its market share.






Synonyms and usage:

Mother company: parent company, holding company

Subsidiary: subordinate company, affiliated institution

Branch company: subsidiary, joint venture

Office: branch institution, representative office


