
英语听力2024-04-19 17:56:02小编




Water engineering refers to a comprehensive engineering discipline that utilizes water resources, constructs and manages various water facilities, and promotes the rational development and utilization of water resources. It involves multiple fields such as hydrology, hydraulics, civil engineering, environmental science, etc., aiming to address human needs for water resources and ensure the sustainable development of national economy and society.


英 [ˈwɔːtər enʤɪˈnɪərɪŋ] 美 [ˈwɔːtər enʤɪˈnɪrɪŋ]



As a comprehensive engineering discipline, water engineering is mainly applied in urban water supply and drainage systems, irrigation systems, flood control systems, power generation systems, etc. It involves the design, construction, operation and management of various water facilities, including dams, gates, canals, etc. At the same time, it also needs to consider environmental protection and sustainable development factors.


1. 水利工程的发展对经济社会发展具有重要意义。

The development of water engineering is of great significance to the economic and social development of the country.

2. 水利工程的建设需要充分考虑生态环境保护。

The construction of water engineering needs to fully consider ecological environment protection.

3. 水利工程带来了灌溉和发电等多项经济效益。

Water engineering has brought about multiple economic benefits such as irrigation and power generation.

4. 水利工程的管理需要专业人才和先进技术支持。

The management of water engineering requires professional talents and advanced technical support.

5. 近年来,我国水利工程取得了巨大成就,为经济发展做出了重要贡献。

In recent years, China's water engineering has achieved great success and made significant contributions to the country's economic development.


1. 水资源工程:指以水资源为基础,进行水文、水力学等方面研究,开发和利用水资源的工程学科。

2. 水利建设:指建设各种水利设施,实现水资源的合理开发和利用的过程。

3. 水文工程:指研究水文规律,进行水文预报和水文调控的工程学科。

4. 水力工程:指研究液体在静态和运动状态下的力学性质,应用于各种水利设施设计和运行的工程学科。

5. 水环境工程:指研究水环境污染、治理和修复等技术,保护水资源和改善生态环境的工程学科。

1. Water resources engineering: A discipline that uses water resources as the basis for research in hydrology, hydraulics, etc., and develops and utilizes water resources.

2. Water conservancy construction: The process of constructing various water facilities to achieve the rational development and utilization of water resources.

3. Hydrological engineering: A discipline that studies hydrological laws, conducts hydrological forecasting and regulation.

4. Hydraulic engineering: A discipline that studies the mechanical properties of liquids in static and dynamic states, applied in the design and operation of various water facilities.

5. Water environment engineering: A discipline that studies technologies such as water pollution control, treatment, and restoration to protect water resources and improve ecological environment.


