
英语听力2024-04-19 19:25:17小编



How to read: qiú zhí yì xiàng

Usage: 求职意向通常在求职简历中体现,可以通过个人陈述、目标职位、求职信等形式表达出来。它是求职过程中非常重要的一部分,能够帮助雇主了解求职者的能力和志向,从而更好地匹配合适的岗位。

Example sentences:

1. 我对未来的工作有明确的求职意向,希望能够在跨国企业担任市场营销经理。

I have a clear job-seeking intention for the future, hoping to work as a marketing manager in a multinational company.

2. 在我的简历中,我详细说明了我的求职意向和发展目标。

In my resume, I have elaborated on my job-seeking intention and career goals.

3. 求职过程中,我们应该根据自己的兴趣和能力来确定最合适的求职意向。

During the job-seeking process, we should determine our most suitable job-seeking intention based on our interests and abilities.

4. 我的求职意向是在教育行业从事人力资源管理工作。

My job-seeking intention is to work in human resource management in the education industry.

5. 求职者的求职意向和公司的招聘需求能够匹配,才能实现双方的最佳利益。

The job-seeking intention of the candidate should match the recruitment needs of the company in order to achieve the best interests of both parties.

Synonyms and usage:

1. 求职目标 (qiú zhí mù biāo): job-seeking goal

2. 职业规划 (zhí yè guī huà): career planning

3. 工作期望 (gōng zuò qī wàng): work expectations

4. 职业发展方向 (zhí yè fā zhǎn fāng xiàng): career development direction

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