
英语听力2024-04-19 20:10:18小编



英文释义:To sweat profusely, as if the sweat is flowing like a river and soaking one's clothes and back. This phrase is often used to describe someone who is extremely nervous, anxious, or engaging in intense physical activity. In Chinese, this phrase can also be used to describe someone sweating heavily in extremely hot weather.

二:怎么读(音标):hàn liú jiā bèi



1. 我今天参加了一场重要的面试,结果紧张得汗流浃背。

I had an important job interview today and I was so nervous that I was sweating profusely.

2. 在酷热的夏天,他们在户外工作,汗流浃背。

They were working outdoors in the scorching heat of summer, sweating profusely.

3. 每次比赛前,他总是紧张得汗流浃背。

Before every game, he always gets so nervous that he sweats profusely.

4. 这部电影非常紧张刺激,看得我汗流浃背。

This movie is so intense and thrilling that it made me sweat profusely.

5. 在这种高温下,即使是坐着也会让人汗流浃背。

Even just sitting still in this high temperature can make you sweat profusely.


1. 汗如雨下(hàn rú yǔ xià):形容大量的汗水如同雨一般涌出。与“汗流浃背”意思相近,但更强调汗水的数量。

2. 汗如泉涌(hàn rú quán yǒng):形容大量的汗水像泉水一样喷涌而出。与“汗流浃背”意思相近,但更强调汗水的喷发性和连续性。

3. 汗如雨下和汗如泉涌都可以用来形容人在紧张、焦虑或者运动剧烈时出现大量汗水的情况。

4. 流汗如雨(liú hàn rú yǔ):也可以用来形容量流汗,但更多地指在运动或者做剧烈活动时出现大量汗水。

5. 汗湿如雨(hàn shī rú yǔ):与“汗流浃背”意思相近,但更强调汗水把衣服和身体都湿透了的情况。


