
英语听力2024-04-19 20:30:03小编




Jiangxi Jinggangshan means (Chinese and English) explanation:

Jiangxi Jinggangshan is a mountain located in the eastern part of Jiangxi Province, China. It is also the birthplace of the revolutionary spirit of the Chinese Communist Party. It is famous for the first revolutionary peasant movement led by Mao Zedong - the Jinggangshan struggle.


江西井冈山的读音为 jiāng xī jǐng gāng shān,其中“江”字读作 jiāng,第二声;“西”字读作 xī,第一声;“井”字读作 jǐng,第ǐ三声;“冈”字读作 gāng,第一声;“山”字读作 shān,第四声。

How to read (phonetic):

The pronunciation of Jiangxi Jinggangshan is jiāng xī jǐng gāng shān, with "jiang" pronounced as jiāng, second tone; "xi" pronounced as xī, first tone; "jing" pronounced as jǐng, third tone; "gang" pronounced as gāng, first tone; "shan" pronounced as shān, fourth tone.




"Jiangxi Jinggangshan" is commonly used as a place name, referring to a mountain located in the eastern part of Jiangxi Province. It can also be used to refer to the birthplace of the revolutionary spirit of the Chinese Communist Party, namely the Jinggangshan struggle led by Mao Zedong.


1. 领导的第一次农动——井冈山斗争,是的发源地。

Mao Zedong's first revolutionary peasant movement - the Jinggangshan struggle, is the birthplace of the revolutionary spirit of the Chinese Communist Party.

2. 井冈山位于江西省东部,是一座历史悠久的圣地。

Jinggangshan is located in the eastern part of Jiangxi Province and is a historic revolutionary holy land.

3. 许多游客来到江西井冈山,感受的力量。

Many tourists come to Jiangxi Jinggangshan to experience the power of the revolutionary spirit of the Chinese Communist Party.

4. 曾在井冈山领导农民进行斗争,为奠定了坚实的基础。

Mao Zedong once led peasants in the struggle in Jinggangshan, laying a solid foundation for the Chinese revolution.

5. 今天,江西井冈山已经发展成为一座现代化的旅游景区,吸引着越来越多的游客前来参观。

Today, Jiangxi Jinggangshan has developed into a modern tourist attraction, attracting more and more visitors to visit.


1. 井冈山根据地:指领导的第一次农动时期,在江西井冈山建立的根据地。

2. 井冈山:指的发源地,即领导的第一次农动——井冈山斗争。

3. 故居:位于江西省吉安市永丰县江西井冈山市,是在此时期居住和工作的地方。

Synonyms and usage:

1. Jinggangshan revolutionary base: refers to the revolutionary base established in Jinggangshan during Mao Zedong's first revolutionary peasant movement.

2. Jinggangshan spirit: refers to the birthplace of the revolutionary spirit of the Chinese Communist Party, namely the Jinggangshan struggle led by Mao Zedong.

3. Mao Zedong's former residence: located in Jinggangshan City, Yongfeng County, Ji'an City, Jiangxi Province, it is the place where Mao Zedong lived and worked during this period.


