
英语听力2024-04-19 21:46:13小编




"Mu Yu Zi Feng" is an idiom that means combing one's hair in the rain, describing a person who is full of energy and has a neat appearance. It can also be extended to mean becoming stronger and more beautiful after going through difficulties or challenges.


[mù yǔ zì fēng]



"Mu Yu Zi Feng" is usually used to describe a person's mental state and appearance. It can be used to praise someone for becoming stronger and more beautiful after going through challenges, or to encourage oneself or others.


1. 她经历了很多困难,但依然能够沐雨栉风,保持乐观的心态。

She has gone through a lot of difficulties, but she can still comb her hair in the rain and maintain a positive attitude.

2. 在这次比赛中,我们团队经历了很多挑战,但最终我们沐雨栉风,取得了胜利。

In this competition, our team went through many challenges, but in the end, we combed our hair in the rain and achieved victory.

3. 她每天早上都会花很长时间在镜子前沐雨栉风,才出门上班。

She spends a long time combing her hair in the mirror every morning before going to work.

4. 这位女演员经历了一场车祸后,依然能够沐雨栉风,在观众面前展现出美丽的容颜。

After experiencing a car accident, this actress can still comb her hair in the rain and show a beautiful appearance in front of the audience.

5. 他是一个真正的战士,在生活中遇到挑战时总是能够沐雨栉风,坚持不懈地向前进。

He is a true warrior who can always comb his hair in the rain and persistently move forward when facing challenges in life.


1. 沐浴清风(mù yù qīng fēng):指在清风中洗浴,形容振奋、神清气爽。

2. 风华正茂(fēng huá zhèng mào):指人处于青春的盛期,精力充沛、容貌美好。

3. 风姿绰约(fēng zī chuò yuē):指人的仪态优雅,容貌美丽。

4. 风采照人(fēng cǎi zhào rén):指人的容貌、仪态等给人留下深刻印象。

5. 风度翩翩(fēng dù piān piān):指人的举止优雅、风度不凡。

1. Bathing in the breeze: Describes being invigorated and refreshed in the cool breeze.

2. In the prime of life: Describes someone in their youth with abundant energy and a beautiful appearance.

3. Elegant and graceful: Describes someone with graceful manners and a beautiful appearance.

4. Impressive appearance: Describes someone who leaves a deep impression with their appearance and manners.

5. Graceful bearing: Describes someone with elegant manners and extraordinary demeanor.


