
英语听力2024-04-19 23:29:06小编




What does the legal representative or person in charge mean?

The legal representative or person in charge refers to an individual who has representative and decision-making power on behalf of a company, organization, or institution according to the law. In China, the legal representative is usually held by the chairman, general manager, or board members of a company.


法定人(fǎ dìng dài biǎo rén),负责人(fù zé rén)

How to pronounce:

Legal Representative (fǎ dìng dài biǎo rén), Person in Charge (fù zé rén)




In business and legal fields, the legal representative or person in charge is usually required to sign contracts, authorization documents, administrative license applications and other important documents, and represent the company in various business activities. They also have responsibilities and obligations towards the company's shareholders and investors.


1. 公司的法定人必须具备良好的商业信誉和管理能力。

The legal representative of the company must have good commercial reputation and management skills.

2. 董事会任命李先生为公司的法定人。

The board of directors appointed Mr. Li as the legal representative of the company.

3. 法定人有权签署公司的重要合同。

The legal representative has the right to sign important contracts for the company.

4. 在,法定人通常是由董事长担任。

In China, the legal representative is usually held by the chairman.

5. 公司的法定人应当遵守相关法律法规,保护股东和投资者的利益。

The legal representative of the company should comply with relevant laws and regulations and protect the interests of shareholders and investors.


1. 负责人(fù zé rén)- 同样指公司、组织或在法律上具有性和权力的个人,与法定人意思相同。

2. 执行董事(zhí xíng dǒng shì)- 也称为执行总经理或执行,在公司内部拥有最高决策权,负责落实董事会的决议。

3. 首席执行官(shǒu xí zhí xíng guān)- 在大型公司中,通常由首席执行官担任法定人,拥有最高管理权力。

4. 公司(gōng sī dài biǎo)- 法律上具有性和权力的个人,但在一些特定情况下,可能不是公司内部的高管人员。

Synonyms and usage:

1. Person in charge (fù zé rén) - also refers to an individual who has representative and decision-making power on behalf of a company, organization, or institution, same as legal representative.

2. Executive Director (zhí xíng dǒng shì) - also known as executive general manager or executive chairman, holds the highest decision-making power within the company and is responsible for implementing the board's resolutions.

3. Chief Executive Officer (shǒu xí zhí xíng guān) - in large companies, the CEO is usually the legal representative and holds the highest management power.

4. Company Representative (gōng sī dài biǎo) - an individual who has representative and decision-making power according to the law, but may not be a senior executive within the company in certain situations.


