
英语听力2024-04-19 23:36:02小编




Law and regulations refer to normative documents with universal binding force formulated by the national and local governments, used to manage social order and public affairs, safeguard citizens' rights and promote social justice. They are the fundamental tools of national governance and also important means to maintain social stability, promote economic development and safeguard people's interests.


[lɔː ænd ˌregjəˈleɪʃənz]



Law and regulations are usually formulated by legislative bodies, with compulsory and universal applicability. They can be divided into different types such as the constitution, administrative regulations, legislative regulations, judicial interpretations, etc. In social life, people need to abide by various laws and regulations to safeguard their own rights and promote social development.


1. 根据法律法规,所有公民都有言论自由的权利。

According to national laws and regulations, all citizens have the right to freedom of speech.

2. 违反法律法规的行为将受到严厉的处罚。

Violations of laws and regulations will be severely punished.

3. 部门应当依法制定相关法律法规,保障人民的合法权益。

Government departments should formulate relevant laws and regulations in accordance with the law to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the people.

4. 法律法规是社会秩序的基础,也是经济发展的保障。

Laws and regulations are the foundation of social order and also the guarantee for economic development.

5. 我们应该加强对法律法规的学习,提高自身的法律意识。

We should strengthen our study of laws and regulations, and enhance our legal awareness.


1. 法令(fǎ lìng):一般指颁布或颁布者授权发布具有普遍约束力的命令性文件。

2. 规章(guī zhāng):指部门为实施行政管理而制定的具有强制性和可操作性的文件。

3. 条例(tiáo lì):指地方性法规,由省、区、直辖市的人民常务制定。

4. 法规(fǎ guī):一般指立法制定的具有普遍适用性的法律性文件。

5. 法律(fǎ lǜ):指最高权力颁布,具有最高效力的行为准则。

Synonyms and usage:

1. Law (fǎ) : Refers to normative documents formulated by the highest authority of the country, with the highest legal effect.

2. Regulation (guī zhāng) : Refers to documents formulated by government departments for the implementation of administrative management, with compulsory and operational characteristics.

3. Bylaw (tiáo lì) : Refers to local regulations formulated by the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government.

4. Regulation (fǎ guī) : Generally refers to legal documents with universal applicability formulated by legislative bodies.

5. Statute (fǎ lǜ) : Refers to normative documents promulgated by the highest authority of a country, with the highest binding force.


