
英语听力2024-04-20 02:03:01小编



英文解释:The prodigal son turns over a new leaf and doesn't exchange gold for it means that a once dissolute person finally repents and no longer covets money. This phrase can also be used to describe someone who has gone through hardships and returns to the right path, no longer pursuing material pleasures but cherishing present happiness.

二:怎么读(音标):làng zǐ huí tóu jīn bù huàn



1. 我很欣赏他,因为他是个浪子回头金不换的好青年。

I admire him very much because he is a good young man who has turned over a new leaf and doesn't exchange gold for it.

2. 他曾经是个花花公子,但如今已经变得成熟稳重,浪子回头金不换。

He used to be a playboy, but now he has become mature and steady, turning over a new leaf and not exchanging gold for it.

3. 她的丈夫经历了一次失败后,浪子回头金不换,开始认真工作。

After her husband experienced a failure, he turned over a new leaf and started to work hard.

4. 那个曾经游手好闲的年轻人终于意识到自己的错,浪子回头金不换地改过自新。

The young man who used to be idle finally realized his mistake and turned over a new leaf, not exchanging gold for it.

5. 我们应该表扬那些能够浪子回头金不换的人,因为他们有勇气和决心改变自己。

We should praise those who can turn over a new leaf and not exchange gold for it, because they have the courage and determination to change themselves.


1. 回心转意:指一个人改变想法或态度,通常是指从错误的道路转向正确的道路。

2. 改过自新:指一个人悔改并努力改变自己的不良行为。

3. 转危为安:指一个人在危险中得到拯救并最终安全无虞。

4. 脱胎换骨:形容一个人经历了巨大变化,彻底改变了自己的生活方式和价值观。

5. 重获新生:指一个人重新振作,焕发新生。

