
英语听力2024-04-20 03:34:01小编



英文释义:The meaning of "explosive pictures" in the Taobao Breast Beauty Contest refers to the pictures or videos related to breast beauty posted on the Taobao website. It usually refers to contestants showcasing their full and perky breasts in the competition to attract judges and netizens.

二:怎么读(音标):/ˈeksploʊsɪv ˈpɪktʃərz/



1. 她在淘宝美胸大赛中发布了一组令人惊艳的爆图,立刻吸引了无数网友的关注。

She posted a stunning set of explosive pictures in the Taobao Breast Beauty Contest, immediately attracting the attention of countless netizens.

2. 这位选手凭借她丰满挺拔的胸部和出色的爆图,成功进入了淘宝美胸大赛的决赛。

With her full and perky breasts and excellent explosive pictures, this contestant has successfully entered the finals of the Taobao Breast Beauty Contest.

3. 淘宝美胸大赛的评委们都被选手们精心制作的爆图所吸引,纷纷给予高分。

The judges of the Taobao Breast Beauty Contest were all attracted by the carefully crafted explosive pictures of the contestants, giving them high scores.

4. 这场比赛中,参赛者们都展示出了自己独特的魅力,而最终获胜者将由爆图数量和质量来决定。

In this competition, the contestants have all shown their unique charm, and the final winner will be determined by the quantity and quality of their explosive pictures.

5. 据统计,淘宝美胸大赛上发布的爆图数量已经超过了去年同期,可见其受到了越来越多人的关注。

According to statistics, the number of explosive pictures posted on the Taobao Breast Beauty Contest has exceeded that of last year, indicating its increasing popularity.


1. 爆照(bào zhào):也是指在网络上发布吸引人眼球的图片或视频。与爆图意思相同,但一般不用于比赛场合。

2. 爆款(bào kuǎn):指在电商上销售火爆的商品,也可以用于比喻某件事物非常受欢迎。

3. 爆发(bào fā):指突然爆发出来,也可以用于形容某件事情引起强烈的反应。

4. 爆棚(bào péng):形容兴奋到极点,也可以用于形容某件事物非常成功或受欢迎。


