
英语听力2024-04-20 03:46:04小编



How to pronounce: [Shēnzhèn shì shěnjì jú]

Usage: 深圳市审计局可以根据法律法规和有关规定,对其管辖范围内的单位进行财务审计。

Example Sentences:

1. 据报道,深圳市审计局已经完成了对某地方单位的年度财务审计工作。

The Shenzhen Audit Bureau has completed the annual financial audit of a local government unit, according to reports.

2. 深圳市审计局将加强对各级的监督,确保公共资金使用合理、透明。

The Shenzhen Audit Bureau will strengthen supervision of government agencies at all levels to ensure the proper and transparent use of public funds.

3. 深圳市审计局提醒各地区各部门要严格遵守财经纪律,防止财务违规行为。

The Shenzhen Audit Bureau reminds all regions and departments to strictly abide by financial discipline and prevent financial irregularities.

4. 深圳市审计局的报告显示,某企业存在财务数据造假的问题,已被部门责令整改。

According to the report from the Shenzhen Audit Bureau, a company was found to have falsified financial data and has been ordered to rectify the issue by government departments.

5. 深圳市审计局将继续加强对国有企业的审计监督,促进其健康发展。

The Shenzhen Audit Bureau will continue to strengthen audit supervision of state-owned enterprises and promote their healthy development.

Synonyms and Usage:

1. 审计署 (shěnjì shǔ) - audit office

2. 审计部门 (shěnjì bùmén) - audit department

3. 审计 (shěnjì jīgòu) - audit agency

4. 财务审查 (cáiwù shěnchá) - financial review

5. 财务监督 (cáiwù jiāndū) - financial supervision

Editor's Summary: 深圳市审计局是一家重要的部门,负责监督深圳市各级单位的财务情况。它的工作对于保障财政收支和经济效益具有重要意义。该词条提供了深圳市审计局的基本信息、发音、用法和例句,同时列出了相关的同义词及其用法。
