例句1:这个湖水非常深,我们无法看到湖底。 The lake is very deep, we can't see the bottom.
例句2:这条河谷的峡谷非常深,有些地方甚至达到了数百米的深度。 The canyon of this river valley is very deep, reaching several hundred meters in some places.
例句3:他的思想很深邃,总是能够给人一种启发和思考的感觉。 His thoughts are very deep, always giving people a sense of inspiration and reflection.
例句4:我们要探索这个问题的根源,不能只停留在表面,要深入思考。 We need to explore the root of this problem, not just stay on the surface, but think deeply about it.
例句5:她对自己的梦想有着坚定而深刻的追求,从不轻言放弃。 She has a strong and deep pursuit of her dreams and never gives up easily.
1. 深厚(shēn hòu)形容程度、内涵等丰富、充实。
例句:他在文学方面有着很深厚的造诣。 He has a profound knowledge in literature.
2. 深远(shēn yuǎn)形容影响、意义等深远、广泛。
例句:这次对于未来的发展有着深远的意义。 This conference has a profound significance for future development.
3. 深刻(shēn kè)形容理解、感悟等深入、透彻。
例句:他对这个问题的分析非常深刻,让人受益匪浅。 His analysis of this issue is very profound and beneficial.