
英语听力2024-04-20 03:57:04小编




Reverberation refers to the delay and intensity changes of sound caused by phenomena such as reflection, refraction, diffraction, and interference in space, resulting in the listener's perception of an echoing effect. It is a type of acoustic effect that is produced by natural environments or artificial settings, commonly found in music performances, recording studios, movie theaters, etc.


混响 [hùn xiǎng]



Reverberation is usually used as a noun to describe the echoing effect of sound in space. It can be used to describe the characteristics of sound or the acoustic properties of a place or occasion. In the field of music production, reverberation is also an important post-production technique that can add a more rich and three-dimensional feeling to recorded songs.


1. The concert hall's high ceiling and wooden walls create a beautiful reverberation for the orchestra's performance. (音乐厅高高的天花板和木制的墙壁为管弦乐团的表演创造了美妙的混响效果。)

2. The singer's voice was enhanced by the natural reverberation of the cave, creating a hauntingly beautiful sound. (歌手的声音被洞穴自然产生的混响效果增强,创造出一种令人难忘的美妙声音。)

3. The sound engineer used different types of reverberation to create a sense of depth in the recording. (声音工程师使用不同类型的混响来为录制添加层次感。)

4. The small room had poor acoustics and no natural reverberation, making it difficult to record clear vocals. (小房间具有较差的声学效果,没有自然混响,导致录制清晰歌声十分困难。)

5. The cathedral's grand architecture and high ceilings provide a unique reverberation for choral performances. (大教堂宏伟的建筑和高高的天花板为合唱表演提供了独特的混响效果。)


1. Echo (回声):指声音在空间中反射后返回的效果,与混响相似但程度较轻。

2. Resonance (共鸣):指声波在特定空间内反复强化的效果,通常用于描述乐器的音色。

3. Acoustics (声学):指研究声音传播和产生的科学领域,也可以用来形容某个地方或场所的声学特性。

4. Reverberation time (混响时间):指从声源停止发出到混响衰减到一定程度所需的时间,是衡量混响效果的重要指标。

5. Sound reflection (声音反射):指声音在遇到障碍物后发生反射,也是产生混响效果的主要原因之一。


混响是一种由自然环境或人工设置所产生的声学效果,常见于音乐演出、录音棚、电影院等场所。它可以用来形容声音的特点,也可以用来描述某个地方或场合的声学特性。在音乐制作领域,混响也是一种重要的后期处理技术。除了以上提到的同义词外,还有许多其他词汇可以用来描述混响效果,如decay(衰减)、reverberation field(混响场)等。掌握混响的概念和用法,能够帮助我们更好地欣赏和理解声音的美妙之处。
