
英语听力2024-04-20 04:33:03小编



英文解释:The profit of the fisherman refers to the benefit obtained through clever means, or it can also refer to the ill-gotten gains obtained through improper means. In ancient times, fishermen were people who made a living by fishing, and they often needed to use their skills and wisdom to catch more fish. Therefore, the profit of the fisherman also implies the benefits obtained through intelligence and skill.

二:读音:yú wēng zhī lì



1. 他靠着渔翁之利发了财,但最终还是被法律追究责任。

He made a fortune by taking advantage of the fisherman's profit, but eventually he was held accountable by the law.

2. 这个商人总是想方设法通过渔翁之利来赚取更多的钱。

This businessman always tries to make more money through the fisherman's profit.

3. 她并不是靠着渔翁之利成功的,而是通过自己的努力和勤奋。

She didn't succeed by taking advantage of the fisherman's profit, but through her own hard work and diligence.

4. 他们利用渔翁之利来欺骗顾客,最终导致公司声誉受损。

They used the fisherman's profit to deceive customers, which ultimately damaged the company's reputation.

5. 这个家总是通过渔翁之利来获取更多的权力和财富。

This politician always uses the fisherman's profit to gain more power and wealth.


