
英语听力2024-04-20 06:50:24小编



Chaozhou Association School Ma On Shan Hang On in New Territories, Sha Tin, Hong Kong is a school under the Chaozhou Association, providing students with quality education and opportunities for all-round development.


Chaozhou Association School Ma On Shan Hang On (Pinyin: Cháozhōu Huìguǎn Zhōngxué Xīnjiè Shātián Mǎ'ānshān Héng'ān).



Chaozhou Association School Ma On Shan Hang On can be used as the official name of the school or shortened to "Chaozhou Association School".


1. 我的孩子就读于潮州会馆中学新界沙田马鞍山恒安。

My child attends Chaozhou Association School Ma On Shan Hang On in New Territories, Sha Tin.

2. 潮州会馆中学新界沙田马鞍山恒安提供多种课外活动,丰富学生的课余生活。

Chaozhou Association School Ma On Shan Hang On offers various extracurricular activities to enrich students' after-school life.

3. 潮州会馆中学新界沙田马鞍山恒安的老师都非常负责任,关心学生的学习和成长。

The teachers at Chaozhou Association School Ma On Shan Hang On are very responsible and care about the students' learning and growth.

4. 潮州会馆中学新界沙田马鞍山恒安拥有先进的教学设施和优秀的教师团队。

Chaozhou Association School Ma On Shan Hang On has advanced teaching facilities and an excellent team of teachers.

5. 潮州会馆中学新界沙田马鞍山恒安致力于为学生打造一个充满挑战和成长的学习环境。

Chaozhou Association School Ma On Shan Hang On is committed to creating a challenging and growth-oriented learning environment for students.


1. 潮州会馆中学新界沙田马鞍山恒安可以简称为“潮州会馆中学”或者“潮会中”。

Chaozhou Association School Ma On Shan Hang On can be shortened to "Chaozhou Association School" or "Chao Hui Zhong".

2. 该校也可以被称为“潮州中学”或者“会馆中学”,但这两个名称可能会与其他学校重名。

The school can also be referred to as "Chaozhou Middle School" or "Association School", but these two names may be the same as other schools.

3. 潮州会馆中学新界沙田马鞍山恒安的英文名称为“Chaozhou Association School Ma On Shan Hang On”,也可以简称为“CAS MOSHO”。

The English name of Chaozhou Association School Ma On Shan Hang On is "Chaozhou Association School Ma On Shan Hang On", which can also be shortened to "CAS MOSHO".


潮州会馆中学新界沙田马鞍山恒安是一所位于新界沙田马鞍山的优秀学校,隶属于潮州会馆,致力于为学生提供优质教育和全面发展的机会。该校拥有先进的教学设施和优秀的教师团队,提供多种课外活动丰富学生的课余生活。除了正式名称外,该校还可以简称为“潮州会馆中学”、“潮会中”、“CAS MOSHO”等。总的来说,潮州会馆中学新界沙田马鞍山恒安是一所备受推崇的学校,为学生的学习和成长提供了良好的。
