
英语听力2024-04-20 07:19:04小编



How to pronounce: [jī qíng yuè guǐ]

Usage: 激情越轨通常用来形容一种不忠或背叛的行为,通常指涉及感情或性的行为。

Example Sentences:

1. 他们的婚姻因为丈夫激情越轨而走向破裂。

Their marriage fell apart because the husband had an affair.

2. 她对他的激情越轨感到震惊和心碎。

She was shocked and heartbroken by his infidelity.

3. 这位家因为激情越轨而受到了舆论的谴责。

The politician faced public criticism for his extramarital affair.

4. 他们之间的激情越轨引发了一场家庭危机。

Their extramarital affair caused a family crisis.

5. 她不想让自己陷入激情越轨的诱惑中,所以决定提前结束这段关系。

She didn't want to succumb to the temptation of an extramarital affair, so she decided to end the relationship early.

Synonyms and Usage:

1. 外遇 (wài yù) - extramarital affair

2. 不忠 (bù zhōng) - infidelity

3. 背叛 (bèi pàn) - betrayal

4. 婚外情 (hūn wài qíng) - extramarital relationship

5. 风流韵事 (fēng liú yùn shì) - illicit affair

Editor's Summary: 激情越轨是一种不道德的行为,通常指涉及感情或性的背叛行为。这种行为会带来伴侣关系的破裂和社会道德的争议。同义词包括外遇、不忠、背叛等,使用时需要注意其负面含义。
