
英语听力2024-04-20 08:18:01小编




Hotpot, also known as Chinese fondue, is a traditional cooking method in China and a popular local cuisine. It uses a pot as the container and cooks various ingredients in hot broth, providing a perfect combination of color, aroma and taste. Hotpot usually consists of a variety of meats, vegetables, seafood and other ingredients, and can be customized with different types of broth and pings according to personal preferences.





Hotpot is usually chosen as a delicious and warm meal during winter or cold weather. It can be served as a main dish for gatherings, dinner parties or family gatherings; or as a snack, enjoyed at street vendors or night markets. Typically, each person has their own small hotpot, where they cook their own ingredients and enjoy them.


1. 我们一家人每周末都会去吃火锅,这是我们最喜欢的美食之一。

We go for hotpot every weekend as a family, it's one of our favorite cuisines.

2. 我们点了麻辣火锅和清汤火锅,你想要哪种?

We ordered spicy hotpot and clear broth hotpot, which one do you prefer?

3. 在,火锅是一种非常受欢迎的传统美食。

In China, hotpot is a very popular traditional cuisine.

4. 这家火锅店的肥牛片和羊肉片都很新鲜,味道也很好。

The beef slices and lamb slices in this hotpot restaurant are fresh and tasty.

5. 火锅里的配料有肉类、蔬菜、海鲜等,可以根据自己的喜好选择搭配。

The pings in the hotpot include meats, vegetables, seafood and more, you can choose your own combination according to your preferences.



The synonyms of hotpot are "Chinese hotpot" and "Chinese fondue", which refer to the same cooking method and cuisine. In addition to traditional hotpot, there are also various variations and innovations, such as dry pot, skewers hotpot, etc.


