How to pronounce: /shú néng shēng qiǎo/
1. 他是一名优秀的钢琴家,但并非天生如此,而是靠着熟能生巧才达到今天的水平。
He is an excellent pianist, but it's not natural talent, but through constant practice and accumulation, he has reached his current level.
2. 父母常常告诫孩子要坚持不懈地学习,因为只有通过熟能生巧才能取得好成绩。
Parents often remind their children to persist in learning, because only through constant practice can they achieve good results.
3. 这位画家的作品精湛绝伦,这是他多年熟能生巧的结果。
The works of this painter are exquisite and unparalleled, which is the result of his many years of constant practice.
4. 熟能生巧不仅适用于技能方面,也可以用来形容学习一门语言的过程。
Practice makes perfect not only applies to skills, but also to the process of learning a language.
5. 无论做什么事情,只要坚持不懈地练习,熟能生巧的道理都是相同的。
No matter what you do, as long as you persist in practicing, the principle of practice makes perfect is the same.
1. 反复推敲(fǎn fù tuī qiāo):指反复思考、琢磨,以达到更好的效果。
2. 千锤百炼(qiān chuí bǎi liàn):比喻经过多次考验和磨练后变得更加坚强和优秀。
3. 不断进步(bù duàn jìn bù):指持续不断地取得进步和提高。
4. 持之以恒(chí zhī yǐ héng):表示坚持不懈、毫不动摇地做某件事情。