
英语听力2024-04-20 21:31:03小编



How to pronounce: [è tài huán jìng]

Usage: 生态环境可以指特定地区或整个地球上的自然环境,也可以指人类居住和活动的周围环境。它是人类社会发展的基础,需要我们共同保护和改善。

Example sentences:

1. 生态环境的恶化已经给当地居民带来了严重的健康问题。

The deterioration of the ecological environment has brought serious health problems to the local residents.

2. 保护好我们的生态环境,就是为了给下一代留下一个更美好的家园。

Protecting our ecological environment is to leave a better home for the next generation.

3. 污染严重破坏了当地的生态环境,导致许多动植物灭绝。

Serious pollution has destroyed the local ecological environment, leading to the extinction of many animals and plants.

4. 改善农村生态环境已成为的重要工作之一。

Improving the rural ecological environment has become one of the important tasks of the government.

5. 人类活动对生态环境的影响越来越大,我们应该采取措施保护它。

Human activities have a growing impact on the ecological environment, and we should take measures to protect it.

Synonyms and usage: 自然环境、生态、自然生态、自然界等。

Editor's summary: 生态环境是指自然界中各种因素相互作用的综合体,对于维护地球生态平衡和人类健康具有重要意义。我们应该共同保护和改善生态环境,为下一代留下一个更美好的家园。同义词包括自然环境、生态等。
