
英语听力2024-04-20 23:28:39小编



How to read: [diàn nǎo ruǎn pán qū dòng kòng zhì qì]

Usage: 电脑软盘驱动器可以通过连接在主板上的接口,实现对软盘中数据的读取和写入。

Example sentences:

1. 我需要一个新的电脑软盘驱动器来读取我的旧软盘。

I need a new computer floppy disk drive controller to read my old floppy disks.

2. 这台旧电脑没有安装电脑软盘驱动器,所以无法使用软盘。

This old computer doesn't have a computer floppy disk drive controller installed, so it can't use floppy disks.

3. 请确保正确连接电脑软盘驱动器到主板上。

Please make sure to properly connect the computer floppy disk drive controller to the motherboard.

4. 我们需要把这些文件保存在一个新的软盘里,但是我们需要先找到一个可用的电脑软盘驱动器。

We need to save these files onto a new floppy disk, but we first need to find an available computer floppy disk drive controller.

5. 电脑软盘驱动器已经过时了,现在大多数计算机都使用USB闪存驱动器来代替软盘。

Computer floppy disk drive controllers are obsolete now, most computers use USB flash drives instead of floppy disks.

Synonyms and usage: 软盘器 (ruǎn pán kòng zhì qì) - floppy disk controller

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