
英语听力2024-04-21 00:00:13小编



Male Vibrating Anal Plug Handcuffs Chastity Belt is a type of sex toy that usually consists of a vibrating anal plug, handcuffs, and a chastity belt. It aims to provide stimulation and restriction during sexual activities while maintaining the male's chastity. This toy can be used alone or with a partner to explore sexual pleasure.

二:怎么读(音标):[mɑːl juːz vɪbreɪtɪŋ ˈeɪnl plʌg ˈhændkʌfs ˈtʃæstəti bɛlt]

Three: 用法:男用振动肛栓手铐贞操带通常用于情趣玩具或者角色扮演中。使用前请确保清洁卫生,并涂抹适量的润滑剂以减少不适感。使用时,请注意安全,并遵循产品说明书。

Usage: Male Vibrating Anal Plug Handcuffs Chastity Belt is commonly used in adult toys or role-playing activities. Before use, please make sure to clean and sanitize the toy, and apply an adequate amount of lubricant to reduce discomfort. During use, please pay attention to safety and follow the product instructions.


1. 我最近买了一款男用振动肛栓手铐贞操带,和我的伴侣一起尝试了新的体验。

I recently bought a Male Vibrating Anal Plug Handcuffs Chastity Belt and tried out a new sexual experience with my partner.

2. 这种男用玩具可以提供强烈的刺激,同时限制男性的行为,让他们保持贞操。

This male toy can provide intense stimulation while restricting male behavior, keeping them chaste.

3. 有些人喜欢在角色扮演中使用男用振动肛栓手铐贞操带,增加情趣和刺激。

Some people enjoy using Male Vibrating Anal Plug Handcuffs Chastity Belt in role-playing to add excitement and stimulation.

4. 使用男用振动肛栓手铐贞操带前,请务必阅读产品说明书,并按照指示正确使用。

Before using Male Vibrating Anal Plug Handcuffs Chastity Belt, please read the product instructions carefully and use it correctly according to the instructions.

5. 这种性玩具不仅适合单人使用,也可以和伴侣一起探索新的方式。

This sex toy is not only suitable for solo use but also for exploring new ways of sexual pleasure with a partner.


Synonyms and Usage: Male Vibrating Anal Plug Handcuffs Chastity Belt can also be referred to as Male Chastity Lock, which has a similar function but in a different form. It is also suitable for adult toys and role-playing.


