
英语听力2024-04-21 00:13:02小编




Study abroad refers to a person leaving their own country to study, work or live in a foreign country. It is a broad concept that includes various forms of overseas learning and exchange, such as high school, college, graduate school and other levels of education, as well as internships, work opportunities, and travel for different purposes. Studying abroad can help people broaden their horizons, gain knowledge, improve skills, enrich experiences, and also promote cross-cultural communication and understanding.


留学:liú xué [líu ɕɥé]

Study abroad: /ˈstʌdi əˈbrɔːd/


“留学”一词通常作为动词使用,表示“到外国去学习或工作”。它也可以作为名词使用,指代具体的行为或状态。在英语中,一般使用study abroad或go abroad to study来表达“留学”的意思。


1. 她决定留学去美国,以便接受更好的教育。

She decided to study abroad in the United States in order to receive a better education.

2. 我的妹妹正在准备出国留学,她希望能够提高自己的英语水平。

My younger sister is preparing to go abroad to study, she hopes to improve her English proficiency.

3. 留学生们在国外的生活可能会遇到很多挑战,但是这也是一个宝贵的成长机会。

International students may face many challenges in their lives abroad, but it is also a valuable opportunity for personal growth.

4. 留学不仅仅是为了学习知识,还可以体验不同文化,结交新朋友。

Studying abroad is not only about acquiring knowledge, but also experiencing different cultures and making new friends.

5. 我们大学提供了多种留学项目,让学生有更多选择的机会。

Our university offers various study abroad programs, giving students more opportunities for choice.


1. 出国留学(Study overseas/go overseas for studies)

2. 海外留学(Overseas study)

3. 留洋(Study abroad)

4. 赴外求学(Go abroad for education)


留学是指一个人离开自己的到外国去学习、工作或生活。它可以帮助人们拓展视野,增长知识,提升能力,丰富经历,同时也可以促进跨文化交流与理解。在英语中,一般使用study abroad或go abroad to study来表达“留学”的意思。除了常用的“留学”一词外,还有出国留学、海外留学、留洋和赴外求学等同义词可供选择。无论选择哪种表达方式,都可以准确地传达“留学”的含义。
