
英语听力2024-04-21 00:15:06小编




Left-behind children refer to minors who are forced to be separated from their parents due to their parents or guardians' long-term absence for work or other reasons. This phenomenon is more common in rural areas, and some urban families also choose to let their children stay in their hometowns due to economic pressures. Left-behind children are usually taken care of by other relatives or elderly people, lacking the love and education of their parents.


[ˌleft bɪˈhaɪnd ˈtʃɪldrən]



Left-behind children usually refer to children under the age of 18 whose parents or guardians are absent for a long time and unable to give them enough care and education. This phenomenon has a huge impact on the physical and mental development of children, so it requires attention and help from all sectors of society. Government departments can improve the living conditions of left-behind children by formulating relevant policies and measures, and parents should also maintain contact with their children as much as possible, giving them more love and support.


1. 许多农村家庭都面临着留守儿童问题,孩子们缺乏父母的陪伴和教育。(Many rural families are facing the issue of left-behind children, who lack the company and education from their parents.)

2. 留守儿童常常感到孤独和失落,缺乏家庭温暖。(Left-behind children often feel lonely and lost, lacking the warmth of family.)

3. 应该加大对留守儿童的关注和扶助力度,为他们提供更好的教育和生活条件。(The government should pay more attention and provide more assistance to left-behind children, offering them better education and living conditions.)

4. 父母应该尽可能地回到孩子身边,给予他们更多的关爱和陪伴,避免孩子成为留守儿童。(Parents should try their best to be with their children, giving them more love and company, and avoid their children becoming left-behind children.)

5. 社会各界应该共同关注留守儿童问题,为他们创造一个良好的成长环境。(All sectors of society should pay attention to the issue of left-behind children and create a good environment for their growth.)


1. 留守儿童:left-behind children

2. 留守孩子:left-behind kids

3. 农村留守儿童:rural left-behind children

4. 城市留守儿童:urban left-behind children

5. 被迫分离的未成年人:minors who are forced to be separated


