
英语听力2024-04-21 01:12:05小编




What does "白吃干饭" mean (Chinese-English) definition:

"白吃干饭" means to enjoy the fruits of others' labor without putting in any effort, or to receive rewards without making any contributions. In modern society, this term is often used to describe those who rely on others for their living and do not engage in proper work.


"白吃干饭"的读音为bái chī gān fàn,其中bái发第一声,chī发第三声,gān发第一声,fàn发第四声。

How to pronounce (phonetic):

The pronunciation of "白吃干饭" is bái chī gān fàn, with bái pronounced with the first tone, chī with the third tone, gān with the first tone, and fàn with the fourth tone.




"白吃干饭" is usually used as a derogatory term to criticize those who are lazy, idle, and dependent on others for their living. It can also be used to describe certain actions or situations of getting something for nothing.


1. 他从来不工作,只是靠着父母的钱白吃干饭。

He never works and just lives off his parents' money.

2. 这个社会不能容忍那些只会白吃干饭的人。

This society cannot tolerate those who only know how to live off others.

3. 他总是把自己当成老板,让员工为他白吃干饭。

He always sees himself as the boss and makes employees work for him without compensation.

4. 我们不能让那些懒惰的人继续白吃干饭,应该让他们付出努力。

We cannot allow those lazy people to continue living off others, they should put in effort themselves.

5. 这个让一些人有机会白吃干饭,却让其他人无法生存。

This policy gives some people the chance to live off others, while making it impossible for others to survive.


1. 吃闲饭:指吃别人的闲饭,享受别人的成果。

2. 吃白食:指不劳而获,占便宜。

3. 坐享其成:指不付出努力,却享受他人的劳动成果。

4. 蹭饭:指免费吃饭,不用付钱。

5. 懒汉:指懒惰、无所事事的人。

Synonyms and usage:

1. 吃闲饭: to enjoy the fruits of others' labor without contributing.

2. 吃白食: to get something for nothing, to take advantage.

3. 坐享其成: to reap the benefits without putting in any effort.

4. 蹭饭: to eat for free, without paying.

5. 懒汉: a lazy and idle person.


